Onion Plant Varieties
Where you live makes a big difference in the variety you need to plant!
Onion plants are divided into three categories: Short Day, Intermediate Day, and Long Day.
Selecting Your Onion Plants (Daylength)
During the late spring and summer months, the number of daylight hours (daylength) increases the further north that you travel. The number of daylight hours (daylength) is critical to the development of onions. It tells the onion when to begin producing a bulb as well as when to stop growing that bulb. This is why varieties with certain day length characteristics grow well in certain areas of our country.
Onion plants are categorized into three groups, long day, intermediate day, and short day. Simply put, long day varieties begin forming bulbs when the length of day reaches 14 hours or more. They grow best in northern areas. Intermediate day onions begin bulb formation at 12 to 13 hours of daylight. They grow well in most areas of our country except the far north and deep south. Short day varieties start forming bulbs earlier in the growing season when day length reaches 10 hours or more, therefore they grow best in southern areas.
Most of the sweetest onions are short day varieties. You can grow them in northern areas, they just won't get as big, but they will be sweet. The Hybrid Candy and Walla - Walla varieties however are sweet onions that grow best in mid to northern areas.
Scroll down to select qty and varieties. You can select a ship date during checkout.
You may mix and match varieties. (EACH BUNCH CONTAINS 50 to 70 plants)
1 bunch order: $15.95
2 bunch order: $24.25
3 bunch order: $30.25
4 bunch order: $36.25
5 bunch order: $42.25
6 to 7 bunch order: $52.25
8 to 10 bunch order: $66.25
11 to 15 bunch order: $83.25
16 to 20 bunch order: $98.25
mixed 30 bunch order: $117.25
Wholesale (1 variety) 30 bunches: $105.00
click the Wholesale tab for larger orders.