Wholesale Orders

Now taking wholesale orders at last year's prices !

Our wholesale onion plants are packed into boxes containing 30 bunches of a single variety.
 All prices include shipping / delivery.    

 1 box (30 bunches) $99.00   (each bunch contains 50 to 70 plants)
 10 or more boxes $ 89.00 each


Onion Plant Pricing
(50 to 70 plants per bunch)

1 bunch order: $15.95
2 bunch order: $24.25
3 bunch order: $30.25
4 bunch order: $36.25
5 bunch order: $42.25
6 to 7 bunch order: $52.25
8 to 10 bunch order: $66.25
11 to 15 bunch order: $83.25
16 to 20 bunch order: $98.25
mixed 30 bunch order: $117.25
Wholesale (1 variety) 30 bunches: $105
click the Wholesale tab for larger orders.

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